With Leather, its name deriving from a story involving Chris Berman and a woman at a bar, is a gossip sports website. Basically he blogs about things that are real and makes a joke out of them. There aren't much facts to the site, it's mostly filled with low blows, jokes, and tirades. He does a good job to find obscure sports stories and make them funny and appealing to a mass audience.
Here's there statement: "With Leather is a blog about all the assholes and idiots in the world of sports, and the hot chicks who date them. People who get offended or take too much pride in their favorite team should probably just leave now, because I hate you already."
You can pretty much tell what the website is about from their statement. It's kind of like a Perez Hilton type website, but for sports.
Go here to be entertained, but not to learn anything.
2) Bill Simmons for ESPN Page 2 http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/simmons/index
Simmons is ESPN's most popular writer for Page 2. Page 2 is a page on ESPN that features humorous stories about sports. The writer compile many lists and pop culture references. Simmons is their marquee writer, and has his own ESPN page called "The Sports Guys World." Simmons regularly has Draft Day Diary's, which he makes a diary of the NBA draft, minute by minute. He often compares sports to movies and other pop culture references.
Simmons has a mailbag which he answers questions and comments from his readers a couple times a month. He regularly makes his own lists and comparisons between athletes and actors.
Simmons is a smart writer, and most of his arguments are in fact factual.

3) Kissing Suzy Kolber http://kissmesuzy.blogspot.com/
Kissing Suzy Kolber. also known as Kiss Me Suzy, is a website that pretty much is devoted to gossip in the NFL. Here's their motto: "KSK is a humor site dedicated solely to the NFL. Have you written something about another sport that you think we should see? Fuck off. You're sure we'll like it anyway? No, seriously: FUCK. OFF."
Pretty much they say whatever they want about the NFL. They call the athletes bad names and cuss a bunch.
Personally, I go on the site every couple of weeks, but I think the writers are pretty cocky so I dont really pay attention to anything they write. Basically it's like With Leather, but meaner and more opinionated. KSK got its name from a Joe Theisman line to Suzy Kolber during an interview. Theisman was visibly drunk and proceeded to hit on Kolber. Like "With Leather," SKS derived it's name from an obscure sports reference.
My blog will not be anything like KSK, because it's basically nothing but opinion and trash.
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