Some things that happened to me in Vegas this weekend:
- Not even 2 minutes after arriving at Mandalay Bay, the concierge asks me as I am carrying in my cooler full of beers, "You guys need something to go with that?" as he rubs his nose... Dude. The FREAKING CONCIERGE offers us coke before we can even step into the hotel. I would expect this at Barbary Coast, but not at Mandalay Bay. We tell the guy no and ask if that really just happened.
- I got drunk enough in the first 2 hours that I forgot to put money on UCLA. And after that, I was too lazy to walk 50 ft. to make up for it by putting money on UNC. Thank you God.
- I bought one of those huge cigars that only complete d-bags smoke in public. I lit it up and smoked it right in the middle of the pool. Yup, I was that guy.
- Drunkily walking through the casino, I put down $18 that I had in my pocket on black. The dealer counts it, and he tells me it's only $17 and he gets pissed. I tell him to f*ck off and spin the wheel. It lands on red. Not a good start.
- It's one of my friend's 21st birthday. My rationale is that if I give her the money to gamble and she loses it, then at least we lost it for a good cause. Well, we sat down at one of the hottest tables in the casino (i swear all my buddies were up at least $100), and we lost $60 in about 5 minutes. But I'm really not that mad - I was at the table long enough to get a 'free' beer.
- My roommate walks into the casino at 2am with this absolutely beat looking chick who looks about 30. So what do I do? I grab a camera and sprint to them. He sees me coming and grabs her and starts to power walk towards the door. My buddy Evo sees all this going down and cuts them off before they can leave. Digital camera: $250. Beer: $7. Money spent in blackjack: $95. Getting a picture of your roommate with a 30-year-old divorcee at 2 in the morning as he's trying to run away from you: ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS. I will post pic as soon as I can.
And that's not even the half of it. I have so much more, but what's the point? Every time I go to Vegas, something awesome happens. But that's how it is. I think it's impossible to go to Vegas and not have a story to tell people when you get home. Ya, I spent $250 in one night. Yes, I should be saving up money for London this summer. But I look at it like this - at least I got a free beer.
11 months ago
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